Friday, November 28, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Friday morning we got up in Greensboro for Joseph's 3 am feeding, and there was snow falling! By the time we got around to taking pictures, all that was left was just this little bit on this bush.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Our dear friends, Vance and Erin Jennings, have two gorgeous red headed girls, Riley and Macie. We have had the privelege of watching Riley grow to age 3 and now Macie is here! Macie is Joseph's ladyfriend. Erin and I were pregnant together and Macie is 12 weeks old. J likes older women. He met Macie for the first time Saturday and was being coy (i.e. slept the whole time). He was trying to act cool. We can't wait for them to be able to be aware of each other. Erin's coming next week so they can roll around on the floor together.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

First Vacation

We went to the beach Saturday through Tuesday with Grandma and Grandpa. We had a great time. Joseph slept all the way down there and all the way back thanks to his magic sleep dust emitting car seat.

In other news...Joseph starting rolling over from tummy to back last week. He's done it about 6 times. We think this is quite the feat for 4 weeks old!

Friday, November 7, 2008

What a Treat!!!

Yesterday we got a visit from Aunt Patti and Uncle Fred all the way from Shelby! Grandmama and Grandaddy came too. It was the best day! Aunt Patti brought a huge lunch and we pigged out and watched "The Joseph Show" all day long. I wish Aunt Patti did not live so far away, but we will visit her in December. Love ya'll!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Spa

Every time we give Joseph a bath Drew and I discuss the temperature of the water. He says its too hot...I say too cold. So..the other day I gave Joseph's bath sans Drew and got the water nice and warm. Guess what...first time the little booger didn't scream his head off. In fact, he was in hog heaven laying there with his big ol tummy and with his drunk face on.

Happy Four Weeks!

Joseph turned four weeks old on Tuesday. We thought this was a milestone for a little fella so we made him a cake and sang to him. He didn't seem to mind.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Last night we took Joseph out to eat Mexican with our good buddies Bill, AJ, Charles, and Cammie. He was totally oblivious to his first "adult outing" and slept. It was good to see our friends as we've been in total baby mode for the past month. Things are slowly starting to settle down and become normal, or new normal. Good times!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Laundry and Randy Travis - My Youngun is Just Like Me challenging aspect of raising up this boy is that if he's awake, there's no chill time...he wants to be entertained. There is very little sleep time during the day. My mom said I was the same way for the first 3 months. It definitely keeps things interesting. To keep him content takes creative measures. This morning I really needed to do some laundry and cleaning. I put him in his swing in the laundry room with me and turned up the Ipod. He was perfectly content so long as I was singing and/or dancing. I realized that this could be a very good way of getting off those remaining pregnancy pounds. So, the little scheme only worked for so long before fuss pot started up somewhat. Then, enter Randy Travis. ....My love is deeper than the holler, stronger than the river, higher than the pine trees growing tall upon the hill...I TOLD Drew he likes country music. Picture 1 is post-Randy, picture 2 pre-Randy. Awesome.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

First Trip to Greensboro!

Joseph and I took off and went to visit Grandaddy and Grandmama in Greensboro for a couple of nights this week. It was SO nice to be home with him. He got spoiled rotten and kissed all over. I got some sleep while Grandaddy and Grandmama stayed up with him during fussy times. Just for an update...last night (Friday) he slept for two 4 hour stretches in his crib! We were thrilled! Every day brings something new.