Joseph met Santa for the first time a few days before Christmas. Mom and I took him and waited in line for, like, ever for him to lounge on the Big Man and get his picture taken. I'm glad Mom went with me because I'm not sure Drew would have patiently waited in the line through the 8 zillion kids who were all generally happy to be there until it was time to sit upon the big red knee and then froze in holy terror. I am reminded of Christmas a few years ago. Drew and I were walking through a maze of Christmas shoppers at the mall and strolled past "The North Pole". The line was huge and most of the parents looked like they'd rather have a colonoscopy than stand in that line. Drew, bewildered, commented, "Why do these people tell their kids that Santa is at the mall?" What struck me was the seriousness with which the comment was made. I bet he'll be the first to tell Joseph that Santa is at the mall next year. Anyway, there are two things that strike me about this picture of Joseph with Santa. First, the baby in the picture really doesn't look like our Joseph. I don't know who that baby is. Joseph's head really is not that big and round. Don't get me wrong, it is kind of round and maybe somewhat large, but this picture somehow accents the roundess of his little gourd. While Mom and I were out Christmas shopping, several strangers stopped to look at my sweet baby. A few (I swear, at least three) made some comment like, "How old is he?". . . followed by, "Wow. Look at that head." One lady acted kind of embarrased after she said it like her internal monologue was malfunctioning and she didn't mean to blurt it out. She followed up, in an attempt to reconcile, with "Must have lots of brains...haha." I"ve learned that people (strangers) really like to comment on babies' sizes. Would we ever comment back? Should I have followed up with, "Wow. Look at the size of that rear end?" Again, I digress. The other striking feature about this picture is darn obvious...what's wrong with Santa Claus. You know that's the first thing you noticd after the baby's head. He appears to be suffering from a lack of that certain twinkle, which I noticed he had had attempted to remedy with a copious amount of rouge.