What do you get when you cross a Lucas and a Straughan? Just as likely that an offspring from said gene pool would come out with four limbs is the likelihood that he or she would harbor a propesity to, to say this delicately, undertake culinary adventures with exceptional zeal. Joseph has always been very eager to consume fairly large quantities of baby food, but now we're on to grown up food. Joseph's daycare teachers would explain at least once a week that he was very interested in watching the older ones eat and would wait under the high chairs for a dropped morsel. Based on this behavior, which remains disturbingly dog-like, I was asked several times whether he could start having real food. I was hesitant due the fear of choking, but I finally relented last week. I would look at the menu each day and tell his teacher what he could have (i.e. very small pieces of cheese, bread, pasta, etc...) That lasted about three days before his fat little hands were raking in meatloaf and chicken nuggets. In just a little more than a week's time, we're almost over the baby food era. This past weekend Joseph had what could only be described as two country feasts. Saturday night he ate brocolli casserole, mashed potatoes with gravy and cheese at Grandma's. Sunday we met Grandmama, Grandaddy and Great-Grandmom for lunch at The Old Place for part two, where he showed some country style steak and mashed potatoes and a biscuit who was boss. He'll really eat anything you give him. We've yet to find something he won't eat at least a few bites of. His favorite so far appears to be biscuits. Fittingly, if you squeeze those ample thighs they feel just like a freshly opened can of Grands. This weekend was not our usual pace...we will NOT be having country feasts every day. The nice part about this phase is that it takes him forever to eat. He rakes it in all slow and savors the moment. That way I can plop him in his high chair with his food and get stuff done in the kitchen while he's well entertained. These pics were taken after church. Joseph is in the same outfit Drew wore when he was a baby and, as you can see, he's bustin all out. Later we'll talk more about the daycare's determination that Joseph is too "husky" for the baby class.