Monday, September 28, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'm just sayin' . . .

Drew put his foot down on Joseph's hair. He was tired of his child resembling Nick Nolte's mugshot. Sunday we had it cut. More on that later.

Monday, September 21, 2009

First Football Game

Saturday we took Joseph to the UNC/ECU game. In the week leading up I didn't have that little voice in the back of my head saying "this is a bad idea." No, instead it was jumping up and down on my shoulder smacking me in the side of the head with a two by four yelling at me, "THIS IS A BAD IDEA. THIS IS A BAD IDEA. YOU STOOPID IDIOT. THIS IS GOING TO BE AWFUL." Joseph doesn't like to be held and will fight you to the end to get down on the ground to crawl around and find something dangerous. So I just knew we were in for a four hour wrestling match. Drew wanted to take Joseph to the game so bad and said that the very thought of it brought a tear to his eye. What was I supposed to to then? I certainly was not going to send him into battle without a tag team. I'll except my Best Wife Ever crown now. So off we go. Joseph did AWESOME. The first quarter he clapped and clapped and clapped some more. Then he smiled and clapped. Then he looked serious and clapped. Then he wet his diaper and clapped. Then he looked around at the crowd and clapped. Then he looked at the field and clapped. Then he clapped at the band. He high-fived the people behind us. He did want to get down so we (GASP!) let him sit on the ground between our feet and play with drink bottles. Halfway through the second quarter he started to get really sleepy and all but feel asleep in my lap. I decided why push it and Joseph and I left at half time and strolled around campus while he slept. It was overall a really fun time and I'm glad we decided to give it a go.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Funnies

My husband is definitely smarter than the average bear and has an analytical mind that puts him a little higher on the evolutionary totem pole. He's also gifted in mincing words, a skill that I, admittedly, am not so polished in. While he can effectively speak, I can more effectively relay my thoughts on paper. I guess this is why most of my practice is in the appellate arena. Drew, you may disagree, but you know you can tell someone to go to you know where without saying anything impolite, unprofessional or otherwise offensive. It makes sense to me that the ability to speak effectively is a direct result of the ability to quickly analyze. If you want a fun life, marry an attorney with a good sense of humor. A naturally silly personality coupled with the gift of quick wit is the recipe for hilarity. My husband is particulary skilled at the art of creating analogies and making metaphors. For example, in our house while watching basketball, its not "Duke's defense sucks." That surely does not provide the listener with an effective image. It's "Duke's defense is like wet toilet paper." In a hotel shower it's not, "This water pressure is horrible. And the water is lukewarm." It's "I feel like an old man is drooling on me." These one-liners generally come out of nowhere and sometimes do not strike me until moments later when I'm like, "What did he just say?" I hope living in our house rubs some of this off on Joseph. I think it will. I think he's going to be a funny little guy. There's this little girl in his class at daycare that cries all day long. And its not a normal sounding cry. It's more like a deep growl. Every time she starts up Joseph looks at her and cracks up. Usually this is accompanied by clapping his hands like, "Do it again! Do it again!"

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Of beaches, red wagons, long hours and projectile vomiting.

It's been over two weeks since our last post, so I'll go ahead and fill you in on the joys and tribulations of parenthood in our blog's absence. Joseph is 11 months old. Just typing that makes my heart break in half. Surely not a baby anymore and I so miss my snuggly little hippie baby. We've gone from a time of being in awe of this precious little baby to being in awe of our smart, active, funny, sweet little boy. Everyday is something new and fun. We are having the time of our lives watching him do new things. The past month have really brought new "tricks." Some of which are compeletely hilarious. Oh, and guess what. He walks! Last week, on September 9, Joseph took his first steps in our living room. Since then he's been taking 4 to 5 steps at a time. He does patty cake, which is beyond cute and has a hard time "rolling it up". He blows kisses and goes "MWAH" offensively loud. My favorite is "Pee-Pie" where he covers and uncovers his eyes. (At that point you're supposed to say "PEE-PIE" really loud BTW). My other favorite is when he pulls a blanket over his head and waits for you to say "Where's Joseph" and then pulls it off. Now for the tribulation part. Joseph has had the stomach flu that caused projectile vomiting everyday since last Thursday. Thursday night we were at the Cary mall because I had to buy a new suit. He threw up all in his stroller, then later all over Drew. Here's the weird thing. I am so completely adverse to throw up. I mean I really can't take it. The mere sight/smell of it sends me into a near panic attack. But here we are in the Cary mall covered in vomit and I was so not phased. Joseph threw up all over me/him/Drew/stroller and not once did I feel that twisting sensation in the pit of my stomach. The harbinger to you know what. He was sick a few more times over the weekend. The problem is now that he's still not eating much. All we can get in him is pureed fruit and formula. He's lost weight but the doctor told us not to worry and to just take it slow. Doesn't make me feel better when I look at him and see a marked absence of chubbiness in his cheeks. Drew and I were also both visited by the puke fairy. That's all I'll say about that. I've missed two days of work this week thanks to said fairy, which is going to make the next couple of weeks ugly. Before Joseph got sick I was working my rear off trying to get a couple of appellate briefs filed so at this point I really feel the need to hide in a cave somewhere.

Ok, time for more fun stuff. The weekend before Labor day, we went to North Myrtle Beach with the Jenningses. We had so much fun! Here's some pictures of Joseph and the girls. Thanks Jenningses for the fun times. We miss you!

The following weekend, Joseph and I headed up to Greensboro to get some Grandmama/Grandaddy lovin' (the best best kind). Joseph got his birthday present, like a month early. They bought him a red wagon but we just couldn't hold off on letting him give it a spin. I have never seen this child take to anything like that red wagon. He's a bit nuts over anything with wheels, but the wagon thing was insane. We didn't bring it home so it can be "regifted" on his birthday and maybe he won't remember it and fall in love all over again. I foresee many hours of dragging a red wagon through the yard.