For fear of losing loyal readers of our blog, I refuse to allow myself to just not blog when there are no blog worthy events, thoughts, subjects. Occupy yourselves with my new phone book ad whilst I take more pictures and think of things to blog about (Do you KNOW how much these things cost?) I guess I could give a short update on things at the Sunset Lucas household. (Being that there are three Lucas households, we are the Sunset Lucases...I therefore am Anna Sunset Lucas.) Joseph has now been in daycare almost three weeks. He has a hugemongous crush on his teacher. Do you see the picture at the very end of the last post? That's exactly how he looks at his teacher, Miss Ginny - his Valentine. Stab. My. Heart. In actuality, he looks at most anybody that way. But I do think he loves Miss Ginny. Joseph picks up a couple of new nicknames every week. This week he's Punkie (he'll always be Little Punkie Lucas to a certain extent), but also Budge, Boodro, Little Buddy, Mister Buddy, J-Mike, Joe Mike, Sugar Flea (yes, wierd), Puppyfeet (yes, wierder). The mornings he's up with the birds (not often) he's just "Bird" or "Chicken." Let's see...in other news Drew and I are playing "The Biggest Loser Sanford Sunset Lucas Edition." Whoever loses more weight (by percentage of body weight) by the end of February gets a big prize. Me...I get someone to clean the house TWELVE times. This prize is worth a fast. However, due to certain nutritional needs I provide for my child, I will refrain from fasting and continue going to the gym or Curves Every.Single.Day. So far I've lost about 10 inches, but, like, 3pounds. Which means by the end of this thing, I'll look more svelte than my counterpart, but lose the game when all he did was stop drinking a hundred sodas a day.
1 comment:
I am pulling for you Anna!! 12 times getting your house cleaned....that is a big prize! I would be going to the gym everyday too! Good luck being the Biggest Loser!!!
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