Thursday, July 16, 2009

9 Months

Joseph turned 9 months old yesterday. I can hardly remember a time when he wasn't in constant motion. He had his 9 month well-child check yesterday. He weighs 20 pounds, 7 ounces and is 28 inches long. That puts him in the 50th percentile for both weight and height. I think he's losing his chunk due to the fact that he is always exercising. He'll play so hard on the floor that he gets out of breath. At least he's starting his little ticker out strong.

Favorite Things at 9 Months: The cat (probably #1), empty soda bottles, doors, kitchen utensils, books (for gnawing, not reading), standing up, baths, the remote control, daddy's glasses, mommy's necklaces, yogurt, his Leapfrog music table, sitting outside, his stroller, riding in the car, riding in the grocery cart, shopping

Least Favorite Things at 9 Months: cold things (milk, water), getting dressed, sunscreen

Challenges at 9 Months: having to watch him like a hawk because he's always on the move, eating paper, won't pick up food to eat himself- instead looks at me with his mouth open like a baby bird, pulling himself up and bonking his noggin, mosquito magnet, recent ear infections, pulls cat's hair/tail

Joys at 9 Months: smiles, smiles, smiles, laughs all the time, thinks his mommy is SOOOO funny, "sings", starting to say words, is so proud of himself with new undertakings such as walking while holding on to furniture, so happy to see us at the end of the day, cuddles in the wee morning hours

Words: "ball", "kitty", "Hey!", "Hey, kitty", "da-da", "Bye-bye"

Other things: Waves bye-bye and hello, claps and says "yaaaaaaayyyy", dances whenever there's any music - and sometimes when there's not

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