The past two weeks have just been an explosion in our house of learning and saying new things. Most notably, Joseph has taken up piano. He goes and stands by the piano bench until you put him up on it and then he'll sit there and play for long stretches of time. I'm trying to teach him to use one finger and make music rather than banging. He's starting to get it. He certainly appears to have an interest in music so we'll definitely try to encourage that. (Or maybe he just likes loud things). His other new interest is climbing (and climbing, and climbing). He was playing piano the other day while I was working on the Lucas Family Christmas-Palooza that I am creating in my living room. I heard the "music" stop and looked up where I saw Joseph Lucas standing (yes, standing!) on the top of the piano grinning. He moves things so he can climb on other things and we're constantly prying him off of climb worthy objects. We've got a pretty substantial word bank these days, including "Kitty", "Hey Kitty", "Bark bark", "Bandit", "Bottle", "Mama", "Dada", "Door", "Go", "Bye bye", "More", "Eat", "Milk", "Diaper", "Sock", and the all-time favorite, "Ball". And a whole lot of teradactyl screams.
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