I decided to take it easy on the decorating this year. But then I got all ashamed when the neighbors starting going all balistic with their outside decor. So I made an effort to fit in, being the first holiday season in the new 'hood and all. Apparently you don't belong in this neighborhood unless you have all of your exterior windows adorned with a wreath donning a red bow. I think this chaps Drew's hide, as he feels compelled to act out against any establishment that says you must adhere to something just because everyone else is. He proclaimed that next year each window will not have a wreath. Instead, each window will be adorned with eighteen miniature wreaths - one for every square of the window grid. Anyway, last week I was blessed with the presence of grandparents for the day and did our part. All it took was some red ribbon and a magnolia tree that was nice enough to donate some of its leaves to the cause. I was so pleased with the outcome that the lamppost and porch rails got some holiday cheer. Now I just have to find in excess of 400 miniature wreaths for next year.
Oh, I almost forgot about the lights in the bushes! I was a real horse's rear-end about the Christmas tree this year. I think I had like 4 hours of sleep the night before the morning we decorated the tree and had a total bah humbug attitude while we were putting on the lights. I think I might of pitched a little hissy fit when they didn't go on just right. I felt bad about it and I DECKED OUT the bushes and trees outside with white lights to suprise Drew and Joseph when they came home from the football game that night. While doing so, I won a mom-of-the-year trophy. I was so determined to redeem myself and spread some holiday cheer to my extremely deserving husband. I went and bought all of the lights. By that time it was dark and cold outside. One problem - what do do with Maggie? I decided she needed to learn some girl power and watch me wrestle the extension cords, climb up on the ladder, etc. Plus, there was no one to watch her so last minute. So...I bundled her up and put numerous blankets all around her and put her outside with me in her bouncy seat. I was convinced she would stay nice and cozy and she soon fell asleep. Sweet! About 20 minutes later all the bushes were beautifully covered in white lights. I went over to check on her and poor sweet baby was shivering! It almost made me cry! My best little buddy sticking with me through thick and thin (and last minute, chaotic, redemtion Christmas light decorating).
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