Friday, January 17, 2014

Week 30 Update (January 2, 2014)

I ran into several folks today that wanted updates on Foster. How lucky we are to have you all to support us and pray for us through this. I didn't send an update after our visit yesterday because I came down with a stomach virus on the way home from Duke. What fun! Yesterday we had another fetal echocardiogram that showed no change. There was a small amount of fluid around the heart but Dr. Barker, the cardiologist ( a/k/a favorite doctor ever), said it was not out of the normal range. He is so extremely thorough in all of the scans and tests he does. He said the strength of the heart muscle is "excellent." Her beastly ticker is able to accomplish what a normal fetal heart would take almost three times the amount of beats to accomplish. There is no doubt that her heart has been fearfully and wonderfully woven, and with a distinct purpose, pacemaker and all.  We are so close to that critical 32 week point and continue to pray that the heart doesn't become too tired as her size increases.

As I was  just now cleaning out my bathroom cabinets, I decided I would try to stay up to midnight for the first time in years. I think the last time I saw the ball drop was the result of the good fortune of having to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. We're a raucous bunch around here.

Happy 2014!

Much love,
Drew & Anna

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