Monday, April 27, 2009

Ringing in Summer

Uncle Ben invited Joseph over Sunday to swim with Brinkley and Chesley. All he wanted to do was eat his toys. Aren't these the cutest babes ever?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hold on tight Rodeo Cowboy!

Here's one of the many new, very cute things we love about our boy. Whenever Joseph is put into his car seat, stroller, or most anything that moves, his first reaction is to immediately grab onto to both sides like he's hanging on for dear life. Pictures don't really do the cuteness justice. He hangs onto his jumpy seat when he starts bouncing. You can see the two little teeth he cut a couple of weeks ago. He uses them to chew his mommy.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Joseph Hunts Eggs

Easter, or the Saturday before Easter, is kind of like a Lucas Family Field Day complete with a kid egg hunt, a grown-up full contact egg hunt, trivia games, sack races, cornhole and massive food consumption. Here's Joseph on his first little egg hunt. He figured out to pick up the eggs and drop them in his basket. They generally took a detour to the mouth first. Anal mom here wouldn't let him touch the grass due to ticks. I'll post pictures of some of the Feats of Strength once I determine whether I'm allowed. Note is little tie dye shortie outfit. Love it!

Easter Bunny Basket

I love Easter. I kind of make it a big deal. It is after all the best holiday there is. I made Joseph's Easter basket for his first Easter with his name in great big letters so there's no mistaking whose basket it is and the Bunny (whose not quite as smart as Santa Clause) won't fill it with another kid's stuff. I can't wait until he's old enough to "get" the whole Easter Bunny/Santa Clause thing. It'll be so much fun leaving tufts of "bunny hair" and half eaten carrots by the basket. The beautifully crafted basket was filled with stuff for the pool/beach this summer - bathing suits, sand toys, pool/bath toys, sunglasses, a blow up pool, a float, and pacifiers for good measure. I'm really excited about teaching him to swim this summer, which is my goal for the summer. Rumor has it I was able to swim well before one year old and was even thrown off the diving board. Hopefully its in his genes.

Monday, April 13, 2009

In Honor of the Honeybee

Maybe if I decorate the blog with honeybees they'll come to my garden this year. Last year the garden all but failed due to an apparent absence of honeybees. The plants would flower and then nothing else. Once I put two and two together, I attempted to artifically inseminate the plants, which actually worked. (Note: This was before JML and I had a lot more free time). However, I could not maintain the practice of law as well as the practice of reproductive medicine and the garden fell by the wayside. I really like bees. I think I would like to have a hive and we have a really good place for one. I'm not sure Drew would be on board with the idea. I can't imagine the breakdown Bandit would have when she saw me in my honeybee suit. I would probably put on my honeybee suit and stand over Drew while he was sleeping. Wouldn't that be hilariously awesome? I couple of years ago I heard you could get a tax credit for having a beehive because there was a shortage of honeybees. If anyone has any ideas of how to draw the bees this year, leave a comment. PS: I've already tried planting yellow and orange flowers. I'm downloading lots of Easter pictures, stay tuned...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Go Heels!

Here's Joseph before daycare this morning all decked out in his too small UNC jogging suit and a stow-away.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cousins, I love ya!

It's been a busy weekend. Drew and I are both looking forward to going to work tomorrow so we can sit down! The theme of this weekend has been yard work. Our yard looks like Lady Havisham's garden. We blew the dust off our yard tools and got crackin on it. This weekend we accomplished cleaning out a bed, building a rock wall, planting stuff and pulling weeds out from between stones on our path. My bones were screaming for me to go back in the house and pretend it's still winter. Spring is the best thing ever. Although tiring, yard work is up there on my list of top ten favorite things to do. You can't buy that kind of therapy. We are in the process of relandscaping a good bit of the yard. Hear that neighbors? Last summer we were so bad. I could just picture our neighbors looking out the window and shaking their heads in disgust. Once one of our neighbors even mowed our grass for us while we were at work. I guess because I was pregnant and the heat was torturous, we didn't do that much in the yard. This house is way old and has a very large lot with tons of neato plants all in it that people have planted along the way. I am very attached to this house, particularly the yard, garden, and porch. I fall in love with it all over again every spring. I hope that we are blessed to outgrow it :), but it will be a sad day if we move. Anyway, Joseph hung out in the shade all weekend and played with his toes while we toiled. Today we hung out with cousins. We love our girls! (These pictures were actually taken a couple of weeks ago).