Monday, February 22, 2010

And speaking of language...

Last night at a restaurant Joseph pointed to a really old lady in a wheelchair and shouted "VROOM VROOM!"

Friday, February 19, 2010

Joseph's New Words

Joseph has become, well, rather chatty lately. Most of the time he stares at me with the most serious countenance and proclaims, "AB DA BA DA BA DA DA". Then sort of cocks his head to one side and waits for a response. I generally respond with, "Abdabadabaha", which cracks him up. That being said, some of it is quite coherent. He now is able to communicate: ball, dog, bad (in context of dog), kitty, meow, more, apple, eat, socks, shoes, diaper, bye bye, go, no (unfortunately was a favorite for a few days), door, ride, car, school, wheel, wagon, coat, truck, backhoe, airplane, firetruck, thank you, mama, dada, grandma, motorcyle, milk, bottle, teeth...and...unfortunately...poo poo.