Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Maggie’s Newborn Pictures

These were taken when Maggie was 9 days old. I guess its finally time to post them. I can’t believe my little buggie is four months old already. She started day care January 3rd and I was worried since she is Maggie Rotten and all. I was concerned that she would scream all day because she wasn’t being constantly held/looked at. (Sometimes she demands that I look at her while she goes to sleep. At times I find this behavior off putting, while other times its hilarious). What I’m told is that she doesn’t necessarily scream more than the other babies, just louder. That’s my girl.  While Joseph was known for being laid back and independent (my hippie baby, remember?), Maggie is my spirited cuddle bug. At this age Joseph would need “Joseph time” where all he wanted was to lay on the floor by himself and maybe have some toys to play with. Maggie, on the other hand, wants to sit in someone’s lap all of the time.  These pictures were taken by a local photographer named Anna Fonke, who I was completely impressed with.

Maggie Red Flower

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Maggie's Newborn Pictures 002 Maggie's Newborn Pictures 003

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Christmas 2010 In Pictures

IMG_0278 IMG_0268 It was the best Christmas ever!  

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Brother and Sister

These are some pictures I took of the babes before church this morning. Joseph adores his baby sister. He always wants to know right where she is. She's always in the back of his mind. He'll be intently playing with his toys and he'll stop and look around just to get a visual on her sometimes. Maggie started daycare this week and everything went really smooth although I miss her terribly. I get sort of sad after lunch and have to busy myself to keep my mind off the fact that all I want to do is go home and hold her. Joseph's teachers let him go down to the baby room from time to time to check on Maggie and I'm sure she appreciates it too. The other day they had a fire drill and Joseph's class walked by Maggie's room. I'm told that all of the babies were crying because of the alarm. Joseph heard Maggie crying and freaked out and started crying because she was crying and he was allowed to go see her until she stopped. There are times when I have questioned our sanity in having them so close together. But, without a doubt it it was the best decision.