Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Temporarily Insane

Sunday night, Drew and I were laying in bed, exhausted as usual. Typical - except the following conversation took place. It began by my ordinary statement that I hoped we didn't get an ice storm that would knock out the power and cause me to have to cook all of the meat in our freezer, perhaps a couple hundred pounds worth.

Anna: I think next time we get a meat shipment we should date it so that it doesn't sit in the back of the freezer for, like, two years and get all freezer burned.
Drew: You mean like take it to the movies?
Anna: Yes. We should take all of our frozen meat, load it into big black garbage bags, pack it with ice and take it to the movies.
Drew: We should use our wheelbarrow.
Anna: Yeah.
Drew: What movie should we take our meat to?
Anna: I don't know.
Drew: Nothing with a cook out.
Anna: Yeah. The meat wouldn't like those movies.
Drew: How about the second Star Wars were Hans Solo is frozen and he comes back ok?
Anna: That would be a good one. Or Austin Powers for the same reason.
Drew: Or March of the Penguins. It would remind the meat of our freezer.
Anna: Maybe Ice Age, then. If you think that's what the meat would like.
Drew: Perfect. I bet it would be really expensive to buy movie tickets for all that meat.
Anna: Yeah, that big turkey would probably need its own seat.

I know just reading that made you wonder if you've mistakenly ingested some funny looking mushrooms. I'm sick today. I feel like a four letter word. I had a stomach bug all weekend topped off with a sinus infection, topped off with having to work all weekend. Well, I didn't work much Saturday because I couldn't get off the chair. Sunday I made up for it. I shouldnt' be working now, but I have this problem where I can't stop. The stomach thing is gone and now the sinus infection wants its time to shine.

1 comment:

Kelly Miller said...

Hilarious! I think that convo could happen around here... so scary!