Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Funnies

My husband is definitely smarter than the average bear and has an analytical mind that puts him a little higher on the evolutionary totem pole. He's also gifted in mincing words, a skill that I, admittedly, am not so polished in. While he can effectively speak, I can more effectively relay my thoughts on paper. I guess this is why most of my practice is in the appellate arena. Drew, you may disagree, but you know you can tell someone to go to you know where without saying anything impolite, unprofessional or otherwise offensive. It makes sense to me that the ability to speak effectively is a direct result of the ability to quickly analyze. If you want a fun life, marry an attorney with a good sense of humor. A naturally silly personality coupled with the gift of quick wit is the recipe for hilarity. My husband is particulary skilled at the art of creating analogies and making metaphors. For example, in our house while watching basketball, its not "Duke's defense sucks." That surely does not provide the listener with an effective image. It's "Duke's defense is like wet toilet paper." In a hotel shower it's not, "This water pressure is horrible. And the water is lukewarm." It's "I feel like an old man is drooling on me." These one-liners generally come out of nowhere and sometimes do not strike me until moments later when I'm like, "What did he just say?" I hope living in our house rubs some of this off on Joseph. I think it will. I think he's going to be a funny little guy. There's this little girl in his class at daycare that cries all day long. And its not a normal sounding cry. It's more like a deep growl. Every time she starts up Joseph looks at her and cracks up. Usually this is accompanied by clapping his hands like, "Do it again! Do it again!"

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