Friday, January 17, 2014

Week 31 Update (January 10, 2014)


Today was a marathon day at Duke and we received good news again. Foster's heart function is still unchanged. It has been 9 weeks and her heart continues to show no sign of distress despite the very low heart rate. It appears possible she could make it to term. God is so good. 

The cardiologist commented again on the strength of her little ticker. We received a lot of information about what could happen after she's born. Basically, there is a big difference between now (almost 32 weeks) and 36 weeks. She needs to be about six pounds for them to be able to place a permanent pacemaker. If she must be delivered early due to heart distress and is not big enough, they will have to place a temporary pacemaker and she would stay in the cardiac ICU until she gains enough weight for the permanent pacemaker. Best case scenario (other than miraculous healing), is that she is born large and strong enough for the permanent pacemaker. If she has to come early, we will have to wait in the cardiac ICU for however long it takes for her to get big enough to transition from the temporary to the permanent pacemaker. We're praying for a 36 week six pounder! 

We also toured the cardiac ICU today. Dr. Campbell told us that she would be in there for a week at the very least  if she's born big enough for immediate placement of a permanent pacemaker. Of course, it could be much longer if the permanent pacemaker is not an option at birth. We are experiencing new worries now as prepare for what will take place after delivery. The Lord has provided for us beyond measure so far and we know that his love and grace will continue. 

Here's to four more weeks and a big ol' gal!

Much love, 

Drew & Anna

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